Welcome to the website of Rebas Events, the site where you can read everything about the events we organize. Every year we organize two major international rodents shows. These shows are the
moment for breeders to meet other breeders and to compete with the best animals. Of course it is not just about the sports element. It is also the opportunity to get your animals judged by an
experienced judge, so that you find out how good your rodents are.
Also, these events are the possibility to get good breeding rodents, and / or to make others happy by your bred rodents.
There are two events we organize each year, the Rebas Trophy and John Qualm Bokaal. Rebas Trophy is held in April and John Qualm Bokaal in December. Both events are held at the event Exoknaag,
Houten. Exoknaag is the largest rodent event in the Netherlands and is generally kept with other events such as a reptile show. That is why visiting Exoknaag and to take part of our event is a
nice day trip.
Rebas organizes the events with TER-promotions and is sponsored by Versele-Lage dierenvoeders.
Pictures Joh Qualm Bokaal 2011
The pictures made on the event Joh Qualm Bokaal 2011 are online! Click here to see them.
Rebas Trohpy fourth edition
Put a note in your calendar: April 1st, 2012! Then we organisze the fourth edition of Rebase Trophy.
Do you have questions about registering or do you need help creating a standard for an unrecognized color? Feel free to ask us by using our contact form.
Lien : Rebas Trophee